Why Kindermusik?
An honest look at why Kindermusik is the best choice for early childhood impact for you and your child.
The Kindermusik Impact
Kindermusik is a powerful early learning experience centered around shared music-making. Our research-based curricula feature developmentally-appropriate songs, instruments, stories, and movement activities that help children meet and exceed developmental milestones in any learning environment.
Early childhood research has shown that the first five years of a child’s life are the most influential on their brain development for their whole life. Your child’s cognitive development will soar in Kindermusik with developmentally appropriate activities and experiences in each class.
From grasping an instrument as a baby to strategically hitting a note on the glockenspiel as a preschooler your child’s fine motor development will be nurtured and refined in exciting and important ways.
Music and language go hand and hand. From sign language to rhymes to song lyrics your child’s expressive language will soar through the rich vocabulary and vocal play to help them learn the lifelong skills of communication.
Many of our children are born hearing but none of us are born listening. Listening skills are learned and are important for the school years, for relationships and for safety. Your child will have the opportunity in every class to practice these imperative skills.
Naturally Kindermusik is full of music! But the music in Kindermusik isn’t like other children’s music. Your child will explore and experience music from all over the world in various languages. Your child will use many different instruments to create musical, magical and memorable moments.
You know about the five main senses- sight, smell, touch, hearing and taste. But did you know that there are many other senses such as vestibular stimulation and spatial awareness? Your child will explore the basic senses and many of the others in a Kindermusik class for an age-appropriate sensory experience.
Learning how to be around people in a safe space and how to feel various emotions is a great gift for your child. You and your family will socialize with children and grownups and you will learn tools to understand this development in your child.
The first seven years of a child’s life are known as the movement years. Children learn to move as as soon as they do, they then move to learn. We welcome and encourage whole body movement and your child will be free to explore what their amazing bodies can do.